Basic rules / steps before going down digging
- PATIENCE IS THE KEY. If something bad happen with your node, do not panic, do not freak out, relax and analyze your options, write down your steps, what you did, what errors you get, run the debug logs and READ them (not just pass them to others).

- re-flashing the mSD card is a simple and first step. It doesn’t hurt in anyway user data (that is on the disk drive). These tiny cards can usually get broken or files corrupted on it. so a re-flash will re-format and put the right version of Umbrel OS.
- learn/know how to connect using SSH to your node. Even if you are a Windows user, it’s easy through a command prompt window or using Putty 21
- when you login using SSH you will not see typing the password. Is by design like that. Just type and press ENTER.
- for RaspPi users, default user to login is umbrel. The default password is moneyprintergobrrr (in case you change it in the first login, it will be your chosen password).
- most of the errors/issues come from DEFECTIVE HARDWARE, in special with Rasp Pis. Do not ignore this even if you really want NOT to be this the cause. IT WILL BE. So before doing any software changes or crazy stuff, check your hardware (USB cables, drive case, drives, mSD cards, power adapters).
- do not just restart your node several times, without knowing what is causing. Restarting the node when is in a sync process can break more things than fix them. So until your are sure that you are not interrupting a process, you better just wait a while. Starting a node is a slow process that takes some time until is catching up. Restart only if is really necesary.
- do not just unplug your node from power source. That can do more damage than good. Try first to access it through SSH and from command line use sudo reboot. Unplug from power should be the last resort.
- Learn how to read the logs. Reading the logs is very important and understand what are saying. It will help you to debug yourself your node. There are 3 tabs on top: Logs - specific logs for Umbrel software, DMESG - specific logs about hardware, Apps - specific logs about apps running
- You can share those logs in Umbrel Telegram group 9, there’s nothing private inside of them, only software / hardware debug.
How to login using SSH into my Umbrel node?
Open a terminal on your computer and enter:
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
in Windows 7 you can use Putty 21, a tiny program to use SSH
in Windows 10 you can use PowerShell and the command is
ssh umbrel@umbrel
Instead of umbrel.local also you can use the local IP of your node.
The default password is moneyprintergobrrr
On version 0.3.3 or later, the password is your personal user password instead.
Is my Raspberry Pi or other device compatible?
If you have a Raspberry Pi 4 with at least 4GB of RAM, you can run Umbrel on it. Is recommended to use 8GB RAM for better performance.
If you have a laptop, desktop, barebone also are compatible, with a a Linux OS (Debian or Ubuntu).
My Umbrel node keeps crashing, how can I generate the debug logs?
What can I do to fix the issue?
If you’re not using the official power supply, it’s probably the power supply. To detect undervoltage, connect to your RPi via SSH and run this command:
vcgencmd get_throttled
If it doesn’t output throttled=0x0, then it’s either the power supply or your SSD is using too much power (this can only be the case if you’re not using the recommended hardware).
Check if your router detects your node. If it doesn’t, either you ethernet cable isn’t plugged in correctly or the node doesn’t boot. If you think the ethernet cable isn’t the issue, follow the answer of the previous question.
If it does detect the node, try to access it with the IP address directly. If you can’t access the dashboard via the IP address either, try to run an automatic issue finding tool over SSH command:
cd umbrel
~/umbrel/scripts/debug --upload
It’ll automatically create a log and upload it to a server to be visible. Nothing personal / private is shared there. At the end of the log you will find a link to be shared with other members / devs in Umbrel Telegram group. The format of the link is like this:…
You can contact, Umbrel community on Telegram or post on Umbrel Community Forum your issue.
My Umbrel node doesn’t boot. What can I do?
Do you have connected anything to the GPIO pins? If yes, try to unplug it and reboot the RPi by unplugging the power supply and then plugging it back in.
I can’t access the dashboard at umbrel.local. What can I do?
I see a lot of users having issues connecting to umbrel.local and most of them are Windows users.
People… please before getting into running a node, DYOR and learn at least basics about networking, TCP/IP, IPs, LAN, WAN.
Running a node is something serious, is not a toy!
Also Umbrel team, is NOT responsible for your own mistakes and lack of knowledge about how to fix simple things and not related with Umbrel software.
I will try to put here some simple steps so everybody can try them before start freaking out that their Umbrel node is “broken”.
Not having access to your node doesn’t really means your node is broken. Means that the PC from where you access it can’t see it in your LAN or in the parameters you configure your LAN.
So could be 4 reasons that maybe your node is not accessible:
- IP assigned. The IP for the node is not set fix, or was changed by your DHCP router, or is not in the same range of your regular LAN.
- Your computer from where you are accessing, doesn’t know the new IP or couldn’t find the IP related to umbrel.local. Some Windows versions update that information and sometimes simply block it.
- Hardware issues. If your HDD/SSD with data has connection failures, the Umbrel OS will enter into a loop`and cannot be accessible.
- Software issues. Very rare when UmbrelOS is stuck. So in 99% of cases a restart and a good amount of time waiting to come back (re-sync the blocks) will fix it. So be patient and after restart just wait before doing any further investigation.
How could we fix ourselves these issues?
1. How to set a fix IP for my node?
Option A - setup in your router a fix IP for your node
- enter in your router configuration
- find DNS or DHCP server (depending on each brand)
- set a fix IP, from your LAN range and one that is not used by other device. You can run from any Windows machine in command prompt
arp -a
and will see a list of all computers connected in your LAN, with their assigned IPs and MAC address. One of those could be also your node if is ON. Also you can see the MAC address on the box of your Pi. - so assign a fix IP using your RPi MAC address in your router
- done, from now on, each time your RPi will be connected to that router, it will be assigned the IP you configure it.
Option B - setup a fix IP in your RPi settings
- use Windows Powershell or Putty to enter SSH into your Rpi
- type
ssh umbrel@umbrel.local
or ssh umbrel@yourRpi-IP` if you know that dynamically assigned IP (see previous point listing IPs in your LAN) - will ask you for a password, BUT YOU WILL NOT SEE IT. Just type your user password for Umbrel and press ENTER.
- once you are in, configure the static IP address for the Pi, the gateway path and a DNS server. The configuration for the DHCP client (Pi) is located in the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
The following snippet is an example of a sample configuration.
Change the value of static routers and static domain_name_servers to the IP of your router (default gateway, see Option A).
Be aware of giving the Raspberry Pi an address which is OUTSIDE the range of addresses which are assigned by the DHCP server. You can get this range by looking under the router configurations page and checking for the range of the DHCP addresses. This means, that if the DHCP range goes from to you’re good to go with the IP for your Raspberry Pi.
Add the following to the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:
#Configuration static IP address (CHANGE THE VALUES TO FIT FOR YOUR NETWORK)
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Restart networking system sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
2. Add node IP into your hosts file
Now, once you know that your Pi will have a fix IP, you can go and add it also to your local computer, for easy accessing.
- Go to the hosts file located into: C\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ If you can’t see it, go to view folder options and select “show hidden files and folders”.
- copy it onto your desktop and start editing with notepad
- add the following line:
192.168.x.x umbrel.local
(replace 192.168.x.x with your local IP assigned for your node)
- save the file and copy it back over the original. It will ask you to confirm, because it’s a system file. Confirm and done.
- restart your PC. From now on your PC will always go to the assigned IP when you type in your browser umbrel.local
For Mac users, follow these steps to edit your hosts file 138.
For Linux users, these instructions are not valid, they already know what to do, if they already run a Linux
3. Hardware issues.
- Usually, most of the times, the external hard drive get disconnected (for various reasons)
- sometimes, the power source it fails, even if are milivolts that you do not detect them, those little intrerruptions could damage some hardware or do not run properly.
- power cuts are very serious damaging drives or files on the drives. It is very recommended to run your node with a backup battery that can keep ON your node several minutes until you can shut it down! DO NOT RUN YOUR NODE WITHOUT BATTERY IF YOU ARE IN A MIDDLE OF A THUNDERSTORM. YOU WILL GET REKT 99% OF THE TIMES!
In order to troubleshoot what is happening inside your node machine, Umbrel team will need to see the debug log. That log contain valuable information that can “tell” if there’s a component that fails. Also you can read it and see if something is wrong and maybe a quick view will give you a clue and fix it yourself. If you are not so comforbale with logs, just send to the Umbrel community the link of the log and we can take a look.
Enter SSH into your node.
Open a terminal/command prompt/powershell/putty on your computer and enter
ssh umbrel@umbrel.local
the password is your personal user password for Umbrel dashboard. When you type it, you won’t see what you type, so just type and press ENTER. If you do not change it, it is the Umbrel default password - moneyprintergobrrr
and then type
~/umbrel/scripts/debug --upload
At the end of the debug log it will be a link and instructions where to post it (on Telegram group or on Umbrel Community).
4. Software issues
Most of the times these issues come from:
- users do not have patience to wait until the node is fully synced and restarted or power off or do whatever any other tasks that should not do. Patience is the key for a node operator!
- power cuts or previous installations that didn’t end well
- mSD card get damaged. These cards are very sensitive. Always keep a copy at hand
- updates that hangs due to disk sectors that are not in a well state
- many other reasons that system can get unstable (it’s a simple Pi not a full server machine so expect these issues)
What to do?
- run the debug log indicated at the point 3.
- you can reflash the mSD card. On this card is ONLY the OS, not the data. So no user data will be lost
- re-apply latest update. Yes sometimes, files can get corrupted and a reinstall could just write the correct version.
DONE! From now on you can access you node in your browser with umbrel.local !
Optional I would recommend to open your Umbrel dashboard using the onion address provided (after you enter with umbrel.local) and bookmark that address.
- each Umbrel app will have a different onion address so save them individually.
- NEVER share these onion addresses in the wild internet with strangers!
- If you create a LNbits app wallet, be aware to save that wallet address in your bookmarks. It is the only way to get back to it.
- Thunderhub app and Lightning Terminal do not update your Umbrel dashboard, are hardcoded with the default password. so use these apps ONLY from your LAN or if you access from outside using onion address, do not use it on strange computers, only yours.
I really hope that this guide will help so many “lost souls” that get freaked out because of a simple access in LAN.
Setting a fixed address on the Raspberry Pi
I see a lot of users having issues connecting to umbrel.local and most of them are Windows users.
People… please before getting into running a node, DYOR and learn at least basics about networking, TCP/IP, IPs, LAN, WAN.
Running a node is something serious, is not a toy!
Also Umbrel team, is NOT responsible for your own mistakes and lack of knowledge about how to fix simple things and not related with Umbrel software.
I will try to put here some simple steps so everybody can try them before start freaking out that their Umbrel node is “broken”.
Not having access to your node doesn’t really means your node is broken. Means that the PC from where you access it can’t see it in your LAN or in the parameters you configure your LAN.
So could be 4 reasons that maybe your node is not accessible:
- IP assigned. The IP for the node is not set fix, or was changed by your DHCP router, or is not in the same range of your regular LAN.
- Your computer from where you are accessing, doesn’t know the new IP or couldn’t find the IP related to umbrel.local. Some Windows versions update that information and sometimes simply block it.
- Hardware issues. If your HDD/SSD with data has connection failures, the Umbrel OS will enter into a loop`and cannot be accessible.
- Software issues. Very rare when UmbrelOS is stuck. So in 99% of cases a restart and a good amount of time waiting to come back (re-sync the blocks) will fix it. So be patient and after restart just wait before doing any further investigation.
How could we fix ourselves these issues?
1. How to set a fix IP for my node?
Option A - setup in your router a fix IP for your node
- enter in your router configuration
- find DNS or DHCP server (depending on each brand)
- set a fix IP, from your LAN range and one that is not used by other device. You can run from any Windows machine in command prompt
arp -a
and will see a list of all computers connected in your LAN, with their assigned IPs and MAC address. One of those could be also your node if is ON. Also you can see the MAC address on the box of your Pi. - so assign a fix IP using your RPi MAC address in your router
- done, from now on, each time your RPi will be connected to that router, it will be assigned the IP you configure it.
Option B - setup a fix IP in your RPi settings
- use Windows Powershell or Putty to enter SSH into your Rpi
- type
ssh umbrel@umbrel.local
or ssh umbrel@yourRpi-IP` if you know that dynamically assigned IP (see previous point listing IPs in your LAN) - will ask you for a password, BUT YOU WILL NOT SEE IT. Just type your user password for Umbrel and press ENTER.
- once you are in, configure the static IP address for the Pi, the gateway path and a DNS server. The configuration for the DHCP client (Pi) is located in the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
The following snippet is an example of a sample configuration.
Change the value of static routers and static domain_name_servers to the IP of your router (default gateway, see Option A).
Be aware of giving the Raspberry Pi an address which is OUTSIDE the range of addresses which are assigned by the DHCP server. You can get this range by looking under the router configurations page and checking for the range of the DHCP addresses. This means, that if the DHCP range goes from to you’re good to go with the IP for your Raspberry Pi.
Add the following to the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:
#Configuration static IP address (CHANGE THE VALUES TO FIT FOR YOUR NETWORK)
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Restart networking system sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
2. Add node IP into your hosts file
Now, once you know that your Pi will have a fix IP, you can go and add it also to your local computer, for easy accessing.
- Go to the hosts file located into: C\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ If you can’t see it, go to view folder options and select “show hidden files and folders”.
- copy it onto your desktop and start editing with notepad
- add the following line:
192.168.x.x umbrel.local
(replace 192.168.x.x with your local IP assigned for your node)
- save the file and copy it back over the original. It will ask you to confirm, because it’s a system file. Confirm and done.
- restart your PC. From now on your PC will always go to the assigned IP when you type in your browser umbrel.local
For Mac users, follow these steps to edit your hosts file 138.
For Linux users, these instructions are not valid, they already know what to do, if they already run a Linux
3. Hardware issues.
- Usually, most of the times, the external hard drive get disconnected (for various reasons)
- sometimes, the power source it fails, even if are milivolts that you do not detect them, those little intrerruptions could damage some hardware or do not run properly.
- power cuts are very serious damaging drives or files on the drives. It is very recommended to run your node with a backup battery that can keep ON your node several minutes until you can shut it down! DO NOT RUN YOUR NODE WITHOUT BATTERY IF YOU ARE IN A MIDDLE OF A THUNDERSTORM. YOU WILL GET REKT 99% OF THE TIMES!
In order to troubleshoot what is happening inside your node machine, Umbrel team will need to see the debug log. That log contain valuable information that can “tell” if there’s a component that fails. Also you can read it and see if something is wrong and maybe a quick view will give you a clue and fix it yourself. If you are not so comforbale with logs, just send to the Umbrel community the link of the log and we can take a look.
Enter SSH into your node.
Open a terminal/command prompt/powershell/putty on your computer and enter
ssh umbrel@umbrel.local
the password is your personal user password for Umbrel dashboard. When you type it, you won’t see what you type, so just type and press ENTER. If you do not change it, it is the Umbrel default password - moneyprintergobrrr
and then type
~/umbrel/scripts/debug --upload
At the end of the debug log it will be a link and instructions where to post it (on Telegram group or on Umbrel Community).
4. Software issues
Most of the times these issues come from:
- users do not have patience to wait until the node is fully synced and restarted or power off or do whatever any other tasks that should not do. Patience is the key for a node operator!
- power cuts or previous installations that didn’t end well
- mSD card get damaged. These cards are very sensitive. Always keep a copy at hand
- updates that hangs due to disk sectors that are not in a well state
- many other reasons that system can get unstable (it’s a simple Pi not a full server machine so expect these issues)
What to do?
- run the debug log indicated at the point 3.
- you can reflash the mSD card. On this card is ONLY the OS, not the data. So no user data will be lost
- re-apply latest update. Yes sometimes, files can get corrupted and a reinstall could just write the correct version.
DONE! From now on you can access you node in your browser with umbrel.local !
Optional I would recommend to open your Umbrel dashboard using the onion address provided (after you enter with umbrel.local) and bookmark that address.
- each Umbrel app will have a different onion address so save them individually.
- NEVER share these onion addresses in the wild internet with strangers!
- If you create a LNbits app wallet, be aware to save that wallet address in your bookmarks. It is the only way to get back to it.
- Thunderhub app and Lightning Terminal do not update your Umbrel dashboard, are hardcoded with the default password. so use these apps ONLY from your LAN or if you access from outside using onion address, do not use it on strange computers, only yours.
I really hope that this guide will help so many “lost souls” that get freaked out because of a simple access in LAN.
Manually accessing `bitcon-cli` and `lncli`
On Umbrel, these binaries are always available in UMBREL_ROOT_DIR/bin/. On Umbrel OS, you can access them over SSH and run
cd ~/umbrel/bin
sudo docker exec lnd lncli
sudo docker exec bitcoin bitcoin-cli
Reset your Umbrel user data (if you lost your password)
Do this only if you do not have any funds on your LND wallet! If you have funds, then save your seed + backup file so you are able to restore it later if needed.
You are going to loose your seed, settings, data and applications!
Enter using SSH and run the following:
sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel/lnd/!(lnd.conf) && sudo rm ~/umbrel/db/user.json && sudo rm ~/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed && sudo systemctl start umbrel-startup
Manually updating Umbrel node
To manually update your node using SSH access.
Make a channels backup. Go to Umbrel dashboard - Lightning and on the right top side, 3 dots, save backup on your local PC.
A. For Rasp Pi users:
Enter using SSH into your Umbrel node, then run:
cd ~/umbrel && sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.8
Replace v0.4.8 with the version you want to update to.
If the update was stuck in update, run this before the above command:
sudo rm statuses/update-in-progress
Restart your node if is done OK:
sudo reboot
B. For normal Linux OS users:
- Make a channels backup. Go to Umbrel dashboard - Lightning and on the right top side, 3 dots, save backup on your local PC.
- Stop Umbrel node:
sudo ./scripts/stop
- Save your lnd.conf file if you edited (add color, name or specific features to your node). How to edit lnd.conf in Umbrel. More details about what you can add to a lnd.conf file here 7. After version 0.4.0 this file is not overwritten anymore with a default one, but just in case, make a backup.
- Update system:
sudo apt update
and thensudo apt upgrade
- Restart system
- Update Umbrel (replace version with the latest release):
cd ~/umbrel && sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.8
- Replace lnd.conf file with the one you save it before update (After version 0.4.0 this file is not overwritten anymore with a default one)
- Start Umbrel:
sudo ./scripts/start
- Leave the node to catch up with blocks and logs, usually takes several minutes, be patient. Now you can enter into dashboard Umbrel
C. Just re-flash the mSD card with the latest Umbrel OS version, like you did when you install it first time.
Recovering from a channels.backup (Umbrel OS)
Once you’ve restored from the 24 words, it might take a few minutes to a few hours for it to scan all of your previous Bitcoin (on-chain) transactions and balances. Meanwhile, here’s how you can restore the funds in your Lightning channels.
Enter using SSH (see point no.2) and run this:
scp umbrel@umbrel.local:/home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd/channel.backup
with the exact path to channel backup file on your computer
The password is *moneyprintergobrrr*
, except on version 0.3.3 or later where the password is your personal user password instead.
cd ~/umbrel && ./bin/lncli restorechanbackup --multi_file /data/.lnd/channel.backup
After you run this, wait for 1 minute. You should now be able to see your channels being closed on http://umbrel.local/lightning.
A more detailed guide about 6 ways to recover your funds stuck in an unresponsive node here
How can I edit the alias of my Umbrel node?
Please keep the following security disclaimer in mind (by @mayankchhabra, the founder of Umbrel):
Aliases can do more harm than good by leaking your private info (h/t @lukechilds for bringing this up when we were considering setting default aliases as ’s Umbrel). Imagine you name your alias “Lounès’s Umbrel”. I can then go to 4, instantly find your node, see your balance, open channels, etc. There isn’t much of an upside of setting a custom alias for private use as aliases aren’t unique and you can’t directly open channels by just using them as you still need the public key (and the onion address if it’s a Tor node). They have more value for bigger nodes (usually businesses) like Bitrefill, Bitfinex, etc so you can instantly find them and open a channel.
By this you can rename your LN node via SSH, so you do not have random name.
sudo nano ~/umbrel/lnd/lnd.conf
Add alias=My amazing node
just after [Application Options]
[Application Options]
alias=My amazing node
Save the file using Ctrl + X
and y
Restart your node:
sudo systemctl restart umbrel-startup
- If you need more advanced information about configuring the lnd.conf file here you have a full example explained of that config file.
- For all previous versions of Umbrel v0.4.0, keep a copy of this lnd.conf file. After Umbrel update this file will be overwritten. So after a software update put the lnd.conf file back from your copy.
- After the version 0.4.0 the lnd.conf file is not overwritten anymore, so no need to make backups.
What is the procedure to rescan wallet UTXOs?
I sent funds to my node wallet and wasn’t 100% synced, now I can’t see them.
Step 1 - Enter using SSH into your node:
Step 2 - execute the following command to rescan wallet’s UTXOs:
sed -i "s/\[Application Options\]/\[Application Options\]\nreset-wallet-transactions=true/g;" ~/umbrel/lnd/lnd.conf && sudo reboot
Step 3 - Wait some time so LND can rescan all wallet’s UTXOs. If it solve the issue, run this to stop it from rescanning on a future restart:
sed -i "s/reset-wallet-transactions=true//g;" ~/umbrel/lnd/lnd.conf && sudo reboot
Wait, it can take quite a while.
One Umbrel App do not start or it can’t be installed
If you have error that a specific Umbrel App do not start or it keeps staying in “installing”, maybe the docker container for that app it wasn’t installed correctly or it hangs.
Step 1 - Enter using SSH into your Umbrel node:
Step 2 - stop Umbrel node with:
cd umbrel
sudo ./scripts/stop
Step 3 - clean / reconfigure the broken container:
sudo rm .env && sudo ./scripts/configure
Step 4 - apply latest Umbrel update (replace the version number with the latest):
sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.8
Restart your node:
sudo ./scripts/start
You can open Umbrel dashboard, but wait until latest blocks are catching up and also electrs is synced. All txs and channels will appear after a while.
Using previously downloaded blockchain to save time when setting up my Umbrel node
This is not native supported by Umbrel for different reasons but you can make it at your own risk following these instructions:
- Flash Umbrel OS to an SD card and boot it in a Pi with your SSD attached
- Run through the setup process
- Go to the settings page and shutdown Umbrel (Your SSD is now formatted correctly for Umbrel)
- Remove the SSD and attach it to a host Linux machine with access to the pre-downloaded blockchain
- Copy blocks and chainstate directories from your Bitcoin Core data directory to /umbrel/bitcoin/ on the SSD
- Remove the SSD from the host, plug it back into your Umbrel, and power it back on.
- Download blockchain using torrent, here is the torrent file (from and alternative source here.
- Open Bittorrent and add the torrent file.
- Start downloading
- Copy the downloaded files into bitcoin/data folder
- To read/attach the node disk to a Windows machine, you will need a software to read ext4 File System. For this you can use this simple driver or Linux File System from Paragon Software (trial)
Another way could to sync from another running Bitcoin node from same LAN or trusted connection, without the need to shut down the node to copy the data disk to disk.
In your new node, use the following command to connect to existing running node and sync the blockchain data directly, on the fly.
Enter SSH into your new Umbrel node, then:
cd ~/umbrel/bin
bitcoin-cli addnode "" "onetry"
replace “” with your existing running node IP.
This will make your new node to sync directly from your old running node, without need to be connected to internet, if you have a slow connection or Tor is making problems.
Once is finished, you can remove the IP from peers and go back to normal connection.
More details here
How can I see logs for each node module?
Enter using SSH into your Umbrel node, then do this command:
cd /home/umbrel/umbrel && sudo docker-compose logs bitcoin
replace “bitcoin” with any other module (docker repository) you want to check:
tor, lnd, electrs etc.
My external disk drive is not mounting, what can I do?
If you detect that your disk drive is not recognized, is blacklisted, is not accessible, enter SSH and run de debug logs:
~/umbrel/scripts/debug --upload
At the end of the log you will obtain a link where the log was uploaded. Open it and see the lines about your USB drive (" External storage service logs" section).
If you see:
Blacklisting USB device IDs against UAS driver...
USB devices weren't registered after 10 tries...
then, try this command using SSH access:
sed -i 's/ blacklist_uas/ #blacklist_uas/g' /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/umbrel-os/external-storage/mount && sudo reboot
After that, check again your USB cabling connection and restart normally your node. Wait until the node is catching up with the blocks, it will take a while, be patient.
After a bad shutdown, the node is not syncing
After it was 100% synced, I shutdown the node. Now can access the UI dashboard but its not syncing anymore. Did a reflash for the mSD. Troubleshoot log says:
Bitcoin Core logs
Attaching to bitcoin
bitcoin | Error: Failed loading settings file:
bitcoin | - Unable to parse settings file /data/.bitcoin/settings.json
How to fix this issue:
Enter using SSH into your Umbrel node and run:
sudo rm ~/umbrel/bitcoin/settings.json
Restart the node machine
sudo reboot
After update Umbrel user data is not accessible
Some Rasp Pi users are claiming this issue, but is not for all. After updating with latest Umbrel version the node is starting but in dashboard the txs and LN channels are not functional.
How to fix it:
Enter using SSH into your node and run:
sudo nano ~/umbrel/lnd/lnd.conf
find the line
and delete it
Restart your node
sudo reboot
Some docker component fail to start
I can’t access umbrel.local on browser or ip address. Did ssh and ran debug script. First suspect line is:
stat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/....... no such file or directory
How to fix this issue:
- just in case, re-flash the mSD card with the latest version of UmbrelOS (exactly the steps you did first time installing your node using the instructions from
- If still don’t do nothing, use this command (enter using SSH into your node):
sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup.service && docker system prune --force --all && sudo systemctl start umbrel-startup.service
Restart your node
sudo reboot
Optional another command to clear the docker containers is:
sudo docker kill $(sudo docker ps -aq) && sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)
then restart your node
How to add a WatchTower to my node?
Enter using SSH into your node and run:
cd ~/umbrel
nano lnd/lnd.conf
Add these 4 lines at the bottom:
save & close the lnd.conf file (CTRL+X), then run
docker-compose restart lnd
At this point, your node is running the client & server.
To get your WTServer address, run this:
docker exec -it lnd lncli tower info
To add some else’s node as WT to your node, have them run that command above (on an umbrel) and get the “uris” value, and you run this on your Umbrel (in umbrel folder):
docker exec -it lnd lncli wtclient add
(and before you press return, add their “uris” value. it should look like this:
To check if your node is connected to a tower, run this:
docker exec -it lnd lncli wtclient towers
Here you have a list of altruistic nodes that offers WT services for your node.
I have a closed channel stuck, what can I do to release the funds?
I initiated a channel close on Umbrel 2 weeks ago but it remains stuck on “closing”." If I select “view info” on the channel in RTL (Ride The Lightning), I can see it under “Waiting Close.” I have tried restarting my node several times.
What to do:
Enter using SSH into your node.
Then run this command to check pending channels:
~/umbrel/bin/lncli pendingchannels
Look in the array “waiting_close_channels” and identify your pending channel with a string like
Also you can see when the funds will be released checking the “maturity_height”
"waiting_close_channels: [ ...."maturity_height": 700998,"
That means you will have to wait until that block 700998 is mined and your funds will be released. So just wait.
If you are very impatient, then you can force close that channel. Run this command (put the right id of the channel, this is just an example):
~/umbrel/bin/lncli closechannel --force 851ddc0900b775ff4afbd12ed4c8c003456eaea862ba96664344b06a04eec7c5 1
Again you can run the command to see the maturity:
~/umbrel/bin/lncli pendingchannels
and you will see the new “maturity_height” block number.
Watch Umbrel logs in real time
Enter using SSH into your node.
Then run this command to watch logs in real time:
cd umbrel
docker-compose logs -f bitcoin
Replace with lnd / electr / tor for each node module
How to change Thunderhub hardcoded password
To change thunderhub password:
- ssh to umbrel
- open file
- replace password value on first line. Keep the single quotes
, e.g. masterPassword:my new password
- Uninstall Thunderhub and re-install it again (will take that your new password
NOTE: Umbrel version 0.4.8 bring new security measures that genereate that password automatically. See more details here
Electrum Server is not running correctly or cannot connect
So, some users report that cannot connect the wallets/services to their Electrum Server (electrs service in Umbrel).
Step 1: check status of electrs service, enter SSH into your node and run:
cd ~/umbrel
docker-compose logs --tail=300 electrs
See if there’s some file corruption or the index is broken. If there is such thing, run this command to repair / reindex electrs database:
sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel/electrs/!(electrs.toml) && sudo systemctl start umbrel-startup
Then wait for one day (to allow electrs to reindex) and try connecting your BlueWallet to your Umbrel (or any wallet that supports Electrum) and see if that makes any difference.
How can I change the user name for my Umbrel node?
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
(The password is your dashboard password)
Then run:
echo "$( jq '.name = "NEWNAME"' ~/umbrel/db/user.json )" > ~/umbrel/db/user.json
Don’t forget to change NEWNAME by your new username.
Be careful running this command. This file contains your hashed password and seed. Copy paste it and change only NEWNAME.
Login screen it just freeze, can't login
I just setup the node and see the login screen and the button is not active, can’t login or continue.
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
(The password is moneyprintergobrrr. Be aware that you will not see what you type, just type it and press enter)
Then run:
cd umbrel
sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel/lnd/!(lnd.conf) && sudo rm -f ~/umbrel/db/user.json && sudo rm -f ~/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed && sudo systemctl start umbrel-startup
How can I restart a service of the node without restarting the machine?
To restart only a single service without restarting the whole machine run this:
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
Use your umbrel user password.
Replace “lnd” with other services of your node: bitcoin, lnd, tor, electrs etc
cd ~/umbrel && docker-compose restart lnd
Wallet is locked. How to unlock it in command line
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
The prompted password is your dashboard password.
Then execute:
cd ~/umbrel && docker-compose exec lnd /bin/bash
lncli unlock
When prompted, enter the password moneyprintergobrrr
Done. Now open Umbrel dashboard page and login.
Blockchain data is corrupted, how can I fix it?
You have two options:
- delete the blocks data (only) and re-sync all blocks again
- run re-index command (takes time)
To run re-index, SSH into umbrel and:
cd umbrel/bitcoin
nano bitcoin.conf
add this line
CTRL+X - save it - ENTER to exit
restart the umbrel node:
sudo ./scripts/stop
sudo ./scripts/start
Have patience, it will take long time, maybe days.
You can check the status in logs:
cd umbrel
docker-compose logs -f bitcoin
After finishes, stop the node and remove the reindex=1 line, then restart the node in normal mode.
It will take also some time for electrs to reindex the blocks.
Several docker services could not start - Failed to start containers
If you see in your node debug logs, that error message about docker “failed to start containers”, SSH into your node and run this command:
cd umbrel
sudo systemctl stop docker.service && sudo systemctl stop docker.socket && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker/* && sudo umount /var/lib/docker || true && sudo rm -rf /mnt/data/docker/* && sudo reboot
I updated my Umbrel but it stuck in finish it
I run the Umbrel update but it gets stuck and in debug logs I see this error:
umbrel external storage updater
That means the updating process was not correctly finished and you need to restart it.
SSH into node and run:
rm -f ~/umbrel/statuses/update-in-progress && sudo reboot
The node will reboot and all will be back.
RTL stuck in starting after update Umbrel
I updated my Umbrel to latest version and now RTL is not starting anymore. I tried restarting, re-install but nothing fix it.
This is a known issue on amd64 based Umbrels. It will be solved with the next release. For now, here is a hot fix to be executed from your Umbrel root dir:
sed -i "s/bash/sh/g;" app-data/ride-the-lightning/rtl/ && scripts/app stop ride-the-lightning && scripts/app start ride-the-lightning
But soon this fix will be included in a new release. This is only temporary fix.
I restored my Umbrel node from seed but my balance is zero
Apparently, when you recover your seed, LND enters in “Recovery Mode” and start address discovery, i.e. try to find every address of your wallet that has already been used and add it to the wallet known addresses.
If somehow LND is stopped during this address discovery, the process won’t resume on restart and LND won’t know about some of your addresses. The fix is to recreate the wallet (recover) so LND can go through the address discovery process again.
1- First, remove the reset-wallet-transactions
option that you may have set previously.
sed -i '/reset-wallet-transactions=true/d;' ~/umbrel/lnd/lnd.conf
2- Reset your Umbrel user data
sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel/lnd/!(lnd.conf) && sudo rm -f ~/umbrel/db/user.json && sudo rm -f ~/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed && sudo systemctl start umbrel-startup
3- Go through the setup process and recover from your seed.
4- Wait and do NOT restart or shutdown your Umbrel. This is very important as stopping LND during address discovery won’t resume that process and LND won’t know some of your addresses.
Warning: If after a little while, the Lightning wallet / widget seems to be endlessly loading and you see some RPC error, wallet not created
in LND logs, restart from Step 2.