Once you have learned more or less how to use a Bitcoin / LN wallet, it is time to go to the next level – exchange EUR for BTC. And I’m not going to say “buy” BTC with EUR, so as not to create confusion. Here we are talking about exiting the system and NOT “buying” another system or “investing” in another system.
- First step: find a nearest BTC ATM, in the area where you live. Here you have a page with almost 99% of all the BTC ATMs in the world: Coin ATM Radar. Also for ease, here is the mobile app from the same page: Google Play (Android) and AppStore (iOS).
Choose well the type of ATM, the company that operates it. There are several operators and each one with its rules, changes, types of commissions, etc. on the CoinATMradar page they give you these details.
I would go for those of ShitcoinsClub, because apparently they have a better and fairer exchange than the others, they are more transparent, it even puts it on the ATM screen of how the change is calculated. They also don’t ask for verification of identity or mobile number, up to a specific level. - Second step: have your wallet ready on your mobile.
- You have saved the access codes of your wallet (the 12 or 24 words that have been generated at the time of creating the wallet). Keep them well in a safe place and away from the eyes of others.
- You have internet access from your mobile. It is better, to check at the moment that you have received the BTC. If you do not have access on your mobile (3G or 4G data), nothing happens, your wallet can also generate QR codes in offline mode. But the verification can be done only when you are online. The payment is made the same, in the Bitcoin network, then when you are connected, your wallet is re-synchronized with the data of the network and you can see the payment made.
- Have a small euro bill, 20-50-100, no more. At the moment we only test the change to see how the process goes.
- Third step: go to the ATM found on the list and start the exchange process.
- Select “BUY BTC” on the cashier screen.
- Put the EUR note in the ticket entrance and wait for the amount to be confirmed on the screen.
- The message appears “put your mobile with the QR code in the ATM camera or enter the BTC address where you want to receive“.
- Open your wallet on your mobile, and select “RECEIVE“.
- Bring the mobile phone with the QR code on the screen, to the ATM’s camera, to be scanned. Wait for confirmation on the cashier screen.
- You can select to have a ticket printed in case your mobile has not been connected to the internet at this time, to have a verification receipt in case the tx has not been completed.
It is done! This is it, now you have the BTC in your wallet. This is the first step out of the world’s corrupt fiat money system. the first punch given to the banksters!
You can see in this video the entire process of using an ATM: